We only ship within the U.S. You can find all the products we have available for international customer at this link.
Many of our customers that are out of the U.S. have their orders shipped to a U.S. address and then forwarded to them.
We do have an international option for the 12 Steps to Whole Foods membership. With this option everything is online or in PDF version and nothing is shipped.
Here is the link to purchase the 12 Steps to Whole Foods International Option: https://greensmoothiegirl.com/12-steps/specials/intl/
This link is discounted since you will not be shipped any product.
This is what the link above includes:
- Access to our online membership site where you will find additional materials, recipe videos, instructional audio and videos, meditations and more!
- Access to our private 12 Steps Support Facebook Group
You will also get the PDF versions of the following books:
- 12 Steps to Whole Foods Manual
- 12 Steps Menu Planner
- Robyn's Family Favorites
- Healthy Holiday Favorites
- 101 Healthy Lunch Ideas
- Big Book of Green Smoothies
Or you can get just the 12 Steps e-Manual and Menu Planner.