Shipping times are always shown on the Group Buy Home Page.
In general, items will likely ship from different locations at different times. This enables us to get the best pricing by ordering in bulk. Don't be alarmed if your shipment comes separated in packages by several weeks.
We realize some items can take a while to arrive, but this is how we secure good pricing on these products!
We will send email notification with tracking info to the email address you provide with your order. If the shipping confirmation email contains a note that your order is shipping via freight, you may be contacted by the delivery company to schedule a delivery time.
A variety of factors can affect Group Buy shipping time frames. Please do not inquire about shipment of your order unless you have received a shipping confirmation with tracking information that indicates a problem.
Group Buy is not designed for fast delivery.
We do not guarantee expedient shipping and do not recommend using Group Buy for time-sensitive orders, but we diligently process orders in the order they are received. Please be patient and be prepared to receive multiple shipments, especially if you have a large order.
If you have questions, please contact Customer Support.